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Old 02-08-2021, 12:05 PM
MaryO-PGLICL MaryO-PGLICL is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 24
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Thank you,

Per SSAP 100R ? ?Net asset value per share is the amount of net assets attributable to each share of capital stock . . . outstanding at the close of the period.?

NAV is usually used for fund-type investments like mutual funds. I don?t think it?s applicable here because the value of the LIHTC is based on the credits we?ll be receiving and not the value of the LLC interest in Hawaii Housing Tax Credit Fund LLC. I don?t understand why we need to report fair value of the security when we are non-admitting it.

Can you suggest wording to put into the validation as an explanation?

Thank you,
Mary Lou
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